
  • Road Salt for sale

    There are many “hot commodities” in the world of natural resource distribution, but few of these are as attractive as road salt for sale, especially with the winter months approaching. While some cities and small businesses are stock piling road salt, others have budgeted just enough for [...]

  • Paper with numbers, rates, and currency exchange related to road salt prices.

    Road salt prices are a hot topic among city leaders. Of course, there are all sorts of reasons for civic and national leaders to call attention to road salt prices, and few of them are directly to road salt prices themselves. In any case where a local, [...]

  • Road Salt: Salt for Roads

    How Much Salt Is Needed To Deice Roads? While a ton of salt may sound like a great deal to the household consumer, the truth is that a ton of salt only removes about one cubic yard of snow or ice from a road. This can add [...]

  • Bills from different countries representing rock salt prices globally

    Rock salt prices are certainly variable. What is the price of rock salt? The cost of rock salt typically ranges from $60 to $80 per ton when purchased in bulk, especially by local municipalities. While this may seem affordable, the expenses can escalate quickly [...]

  • Rock salt is one of the few commodities which is in no shortage. Rock salt is mined at several major locations across the globe, and is frequently important to countries which do not have major salt mining operations. Most consumers already know where to buy rock salt [...]

  • There are all sorts of ways to purchase rock salt, and it is usually best for business owners to purchase rock salt wholesale. This saves in terms of shipping and packaging, and also allows for a healthy stockpile in case of emergencies. Rock salt wholesale, or sodium chloride, [...]

  • What exactly is deicing salt? This is a common question among consumers, followed by questions about the difference between deicing salt, road salt, and rock salt. These may be basic questions, but they lie at the heart of an important safety industry. Deicing salt is any product [...]

  • Industrial salt has a staggering list of applications, and with several hundred million tonnes of salt mined or produced annually, it is no wonder that rock salt, or halite, is available from a variety of different sources. Industrial salt may be a fairly inexpensive commodity, but the [...]

  • Road salt suppliers are as varied as the quality and nature of road salts themselves. As you know, many different materials are used as road salt, and the term applies to a variety of different products. Once a product is selected, whether NaCl or not, the best [...]

  • Although most household consumers are not aware of the varied applications of industrial salt, thousands of major businesses require industrial salt for the manufacturing of goods, and the availability of services. Consumers are well aware of the transportation safety applications of industrial salt, from deicing the wings [...]

  • Sometimes finding the right road salt is as difficult as locating the best distributor for snow melting salt. There are some basics about snow melting salt which need to be properly covered before selecting either a road salt product or a distributor. First of all, have a [...]

  • Rock Salt MaxiSalt

    Rock salt has been around for a while, but since this product has so many widespread uses, the industrial salt market has become more competitive over time. This motivates manufacturers and consumers alike to determine the most competitive industrial uses for salt. What is Industrial [...]