En hiver, assurer la sécurité routière est essentiel, et le sel joue un rôle fondamental. Le sel de voirie est une solution efficace et économique pour combattre la glace et la neige, contribuant ainsi à prévenir les accidents et à protéger les conducteurs. Pourquoi utilise-t-on le sel pour [...]
Nous sommes ravis de présenter Marta Gil dans le blog d’aujourd’hui, qui a récemment rejoint notre entreprise. Marta est titulaire d’une licence en chimie et d’un master en chimie des matériaux appliqués. Elle apporte une expertise précieuse dans le développement de solutions innovantes pour relever les défis [...]
Last Friday, our team had the chance to explore the Muntanya de Sal de Cardona, a natural salt mountain located in the heart of Catalonia, where history, geology, and stunning landscapes come together in a unique way. The Cardona Salt Mines were formed over 40 million years [...]
Loin de se limiter à la fourniture de sel, nous sommes conscients de l'impact que nous pouvons avoir sur notre société. C'est pourquoi nous comprenons l'importance de soutenir les projets locaux, et chaque année, nous faisons des dons à diverses fondations pour les aider à continuer leur [...]
Far from merely supplying salt, we are conscious of the impact we can have on our society. For this reason, we understand the importance of supporting local projects, and every year we donate to various foundations to help them continue their vital work. “We think global but [...]
PAS SEULEMENT UN SITE. AJOUTEZ DU SEL À VOTRE EXPÉRIENCE Les débuts de MaxiSalt dans le monde en ligne En 2010, nous avons développé notre premier site web pour présenter notre marque au monde en ligne. Notre objectif principal était de fournir des informations faciles d’accès à [...]
The Unites States is the leading salt producing nation, followed by China, India, Canada, Australia, Mexico, and France, respectively. Although many factors contribute to the production of salt, the basic combination of mineral availability with industrial infrastructure explain the current rankings. These countries are all rich in [...]
Rock salt, or halite, is a widely used mineral that originates from dried-up inland lakes covered by layers of sediment and geological formations over thousands of years. It crystallizes and often contains impurities from the surrounding soil. Although not typically edible, rock salt is used in [...]
It is no secret that growing companies require new and cheaper sources of natural resources like industrial salt. So, what makes industrial salt different from other kinds of salt, and where are the most economic sources of industrial salt? Like most products and resources, industrial salt is [...]
Industrial salt is not difficult to find. It is far more difficult, however, to locate distributors who practice within international guidelines, while providing the industrial salt prices and customer service expected by the consumers of any natural resource. Firstly, it is always a good idea to determine [...]
Rock salt suppliers represent a variety of global interests. Because rock salt suppliers provide a natural resource from specific locations, the color and quality of rock salt will vary from one supplier to the next. For this reason, some local producers prefer to limit their offerings to [...]
Run a quick search on Google, and you’re likely to discover what many other consumers are finding about industrial salt: the prices of rock salt have been increasing over the last few years. Consumers While these price hikes may not worry most home rock salt [...]